Program Calendar

2021-2022 program dates – check back often to see the latest programs for Chancellor Wythe!

September 14, 2024Program: Freedom has Never Been Free
October 12, 2024Program: Service to America through stories from chapter members
October 19, 2024Service Opportunity: Honor Flight
November 9, 2024Program: "The Last Romantic War"
December 7, 2024Program: Christmas Brunch, DAR Insignia and Protocol Bingo and Trivia Contest
December 14, 2024Service Opportunity: Wreaths Across America
January 11, 2025Program: English Tea and "How I Lost the American War"
February 22, 2025Program: George Washington’s Birthday Luncheon
March 8, 2025Program: Tour of Hollywood Cemetery
April 12, 2025Program: Tour of Historic St. John's Church
April 27, 2025Service Opportunity: 267th Birthday Celebration for James Monroe
May 10, 2025Program: The Constitution is Alive and Well

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